
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Theory of Composition

Doing this: 

using this:

and this:

(All stock images are free and provided by DeviantArt)

Stay tuned for more!

Memories ...

Heh, these are some compositions I've made for a school project. I had to come up with something interesting for my first year, American Visual Arts class.

This is my favourite. I like to call it "Lust for the Nodding Donkey"

This had many interpretations in class. They ranged from "figure looking back with regret" to "evil terrorist girl" (he he). 

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"The Eagle has landed!" ... well, did it? 

Thank you Cristina (team mate) for being my model! We got the max grade WHOO!

This is yet another extra image that I wanted to show you. Yes, Cristina, this is you! 
  As you can see, I've chosen a cartoon-ish theme for this project. There are so many reasons for this decision, but I will not post any of them because I love it when people interpret my work in their own way. Therefor, I'd love it if you could let me know what you think of the images in this gallery, in the comments below. Thank you!

Retouch, retouch, retouch

Because life isn't perfect, some say ... he he.

Click image for full view

Click image for full view

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tattoo .... -ish

A tattooist friend of mine asked me to make him a composition he would eventually use as a tattoo. The theme of this composition had to contain chopper bikes, paragliders and kayaks. Well, things didn't turn out too good because the outcome ... let's just say it's not very tattoo-like (just to prove that I'm a horrible tattoo designer). Anyway, my friend liked it so I decided to post it here.

Click image for full size

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Hello world!"

This blog is my personal portfolio. It will include various types of artwork - from 2D graphics to 3D models, Video FX, all sorts of graphic and sound design projects, music, and so on. The purpose of this portfolio is to help me pave my path to opening my own Art Studio.

I'll begin with a little Photoshop exercise I did yesterday.

Thank you b-e-c-k-y-stock for the stock photo!